Spellcaster by Cara Lynn Shultz

Spellcaster (Spellbound, #2)

by Cara Lynn Shultz

After breaking a centuries-old romantic curse, Emma Connor is (almost) glad to get back to normal problems. Although...it's not easy dealing with the jealous cliques and gossip that rule her exclusive Upper East Side prep, even for a seventeen-year-old newbie witch. Having the most-wanted boy in school as her eternal soul mate sure helps ease the pain--especially since wealthy, rocker-hot Brendan Salinger is very good at staying irresistibly close....

But something dark and hungry is using Emma's and Brendan's deepest fears to reveal damaging secrets and destroy their trust in each other. And Emma's crash course in uberspells may not be enough to keep them safe...or to stop an inhuman force bent on making their unsuspected power its own.

Reviewed by Suz @ Bookish Revelations on

5 of 5 stars

Spellcaster is a spellbinding intensely action packed magical tale of suspense, danger, and love at its inner most core. It is dark and hungry, filled with primal urges, impending danger, hidden secrets, and evil forces hell bent on taking unsuspected powers for their own. In the center of the story, is the sweet and engrossing tale of two soulmates - Emma and Brendan - who are incredibly amazing enough not to take their relationship at face value, as they delve more into the nature of their history. Shultz does a wonderfully brilliant job of evoking such deep seeded fears, the unveiling of innermost secrets that could harm, and threats to damage the trust these two have placed in one another. There are so many incredibly twists and turns throughout this story that are enough to keep readers guessing and craving the answers.

Shultz writing style is focused on all of the right elements that it should be. It's a perfect balance, between attention to detail, story arcs, and character development. Emma is such an endearing character, who seems to have grown stronger and a bit more brave than she was in Spellbound, which has a way of making her even more likable. She's just as independent, caring, and loyal as she always has been, but with even more depth and courage. Brendan, on the other hand, is still just as mysteriously handsome and brave as he was before, but he's also a bit more secretive and cryptic and a little bolder. I personally enjoyed the few intense moments that both Emma and Brendan shared and the fact that they actually had to work at making their relationship work and creating a deeper meaningful connection.

Spellcaster features an interesting and cleverly written take on reincarnation and soulmate mythology, that seems to give it a more modern edge. The story arc was beautifully fleshed out and the imagery was well written. The execution of certain moments, scenes, and powerful forces at work was off the charts amazing. There were also many interesting supporting characters that managed to bring their own unique quirks and facets to the story. It has this way of asking; just how far one person would go in terms of faith and loyalty, for another.

Throughout the story, both Emma and Brendan's strength of courage, loyalty to one another, and faith are tested over and over. It's enough to leave readers entranced and wanting more. Spellcaster is a richly compelling novel that will hook readers even more as they delve further into the story. It is phenomenally gripping; action packed, and filled with incredibly tension and sweet romance. It is a virtual thrill ride that is full of action, danger, and an interesting and unique take on reincarnation and the love of two soulmates. Vastly clever and highly suspenseful, fans of Shultz first novel Spellbound will fall even more in love with Spellcaster.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 February, 2012: Finished reading
  • 27 February, 2012: Reviewed