I Love My Purse by Belle DeMont

I Love My Purse

by Belle DeMont

Charlie loves the bright red purse that his grandmother let him have. One day, he decides to take it to school. First his father, then his friends, and even the crossing guard question him about his “strange” choice. After all, boys don’t carry purses. They point out that they, too, have things they like, but that doesn’t mean they go out in public wearing them. But Charlie isn’t deterred.

Before long, his unselfconscious determination to carry a purse starts to affect those around him. His father puts on his favorite, though unconventional, Hawaiian shirt to go to work; his friend Charlotte paints her face, and the crossing guard wears a pair of sparkly shoes. Thanks to Charlie, everyone around him realizes that it isn’t always necessary to conform to societal norms. It’s more important to be true to yourself.

With its humorous, energetic illustrations, this book is ideal as a read-aloud or as a text for emerging readers. It can also be used as a starting point for a discussion about gender roles.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

I Love My Purse is a sweetly whimsical book aimed at children and younger readers (K-2, Lexile 560). At 34 pages, hardcover format, it's the right size and length for a solo reading session with a colorful message that isn't preachy or threatening.

I loved the way that Charlie, who's a normal, active, friendly and fun kid, influences the people he meets in his everyday life by being himself. The book could so easily have been strident or unhappy, and it's not. It's full of full color illustrations by Sonja Wimmer, accompanied by Belle DeMont's bouncy text.

There's a lot to like here. Charlie isn't threatened or bullied, he's a really polite kid who sticks up for his desire to use his purse to carry his stuff. He's not feminized or anything other than himself (the art really shines here when the reader gets to see what a typical kid carries around, including a half eaten apple, a shoe, a frog in a bathtub and other even more whimsical things). It's never mentioned, but the characters are ethnically diverse and Charlie's father seems to be a positively portrayed single parent.

I enjoyed this beautiful little book very much.

Five stars. Positively portrayed non strident message about gender role conformity.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher.

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  • 6 January, 2018: Reviewed