Branded As Trouble by Lorelei James

Branded As Trouble (Rough Riders, #6)

by Lorelei James

As walking advertisement for the tattoo shop she's set up in a small Wyoming town, India is well acquainted with preconceived notions. She's clean and sober spends most of her free time with her best buddy, cowboy Colt. Colt never expected three years of sobriety to lead to three years of abstinence. After an unexpected interlude, all India can think about is riding the sexy cowboy instead of her motorcycle, even when Colt is determined to show her a slower ride is worth the wait. Or are they risking their friendship for a fling that could burn them both?

Reviewed by mitabird on

3 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

Colt has been in love with India for 3 years and considers her his best friend. He wants to take things further, but is uncertain that India feels the same way about him. India does feel the same way about Colt, but she's never noticed his interest in her. They decide to take things to the next step, but they have to learn to deal with issues from their past.

Branded as Trouble started out great; I absolutely love the tension between Colt and India. It was easy to see how much they cared about each other, though they were oblivious to the fact themselves. However, I felt things fizzled once they consummated their relationship. The affection was still there, but there were issues of trust that they had to deal with. I liked the fact that though they argued constantly, they fought to make it work for them. I think because of their friendship, communication between them was easier, though they both screwed up at times. Colt had to deal with the continued negativity from his family, but I felt that the resolution was a little too pat. I liked this book, but I didn't love it.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 September, 2009: Finished reading
  • 23 September, 2009: Reviewed