Dark Star by Alan Furst

Dark Star

by Alan Furst

Dark Star may be the most authentic espionage novel ever written. Set in the period of the Stalinist purges, it captures not only the intrigue and danger of clandestine life but the ennui, the bureaucratic infighting, the seediness of cheap rooms, the hasty moments of furtive sex, and the moral compromises of a life whose only goal becomes surviving a world where nothing is clear and betrayal is as common as death.

Reviewed by viking2917 on

4 of 5 stars

One of Furst's earliest books and one of his best, I think. Much longer than most of his books, and a bit uneven near the end, but atmospheric to the core. Szara is a Pravda journalist stumbling on a secret history, and wandering Paris and Eastern Europe, in danger from all sides - Russia, German, and France.

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  • 21 July, 2016: Reviewed