A Bad Boy for Christmas by Jessica Lemmon

A Bad Boy for Christmas (Christmas Fiction)

by Jessica Lemmon

Faith Garrett's down a fiance, an apartment and a dream honeymoon in the tropics. At least she has a job but she hadn't counted on working-and living-at a soon-to-be-opening Bed and Breakfast. Or playing house with sexy landscaper Connor McClain.

After escaping out from under his father's thumb, Connor looks forward to his work being simple. Then Faith stumbles into his life and, shortly after, out of her bath towel, and "simple" doesn't define the fiery attraction burning between them.

When Connor agrees to fill the role of Faith's pretend fiance, the lines between fantasy and reality blur. The fragile bloom in their hearts takes root and blossoms...into an unexpected emotion neither of them is ready for: Love.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

We meet Conner and Faith in the previous novels as Faith had a come to Jesus moment when she saw Conner working on Donovan Pate’s estate in the quiet lakeside community of Evergreen Cove. Faith, coming off a nasty breakup is best friends and business partners with Sofie Martin. I loved Faith. She is strong, confident and sassy. Conner is best friends with Donovan and has recently returned from Afghanistan. The man is gorgeous inside and out, but also troubled from his time abroad. Seeing his protective nature, and uncovering his, romantic side was delicious.

Lemmon added danger and a snow storm to bring our commitment shy couple together. The sparks, teasing, and bickering had me smiling and swooning. She created a wonderful holiday setting highlighting one of the sweetest Christmases ever. I adored this couple and consumed this tale in a single afternoon during the Ho-Ho-Ho readathon. It was the perfect feel good romance to put me in a holiday mood.

Foodie lovers be warned there is wicked talk of cupcakes, cinnamon buns and bakery devil dogs you will crave. Thankfully, there is a recipe for them!

If you haven’t read Jessica Lemmon’s books yet, I totally recommend curling up by the fire with A Bad Boy for Christmas.

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 13 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 13 November, 2015: Reviewed