Brooklynaire - Classic Edition by Sarina Bowen

Brooklynaire - Classic Edition (Brooklyn Bruisers, #4)

by Sarina Bowen

A sexy new standalone from USA Today bestseller Sarina Bowen.

You’d think a billion dollars, a professional hockey team and a six-bedroom mansion on the Promenade would satisfy a guy. You’d be wrong.

For seven years Rebecca has brightened my office with her wit and her smile. She manages both my hockey team and my sanity. I don’t know when I started waking in the night, craving her. All I know is that one whiff of her perfume ruins my concentration. And her laugh makes me hard.

When Rebecca gets hurt, I step in to help. It’s what friends...

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Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

5 of 5 stars

Rating: 4.5 Stars

I always wanted to know more about Nate, and I had gotten glimpses into what was brewing between him and Becca in Pipe Dreams, but Bowen went and filled my heart with so much joy, when she allowed me peeks into Becca and Nate's backstory.

It was sort of kismet and wonderful, that Becca had this long and lovely friendship with Nate. At a time, when she really needed a helping hand, he took a chance on her, and a rather great partnership was born. I got to see her, by his side, as his assistant, while his empire grew. And, though his net worth rose, he never lost his affection for Becca.

I loved how they supported each other, the palindromes, Bingley, the tequila and empanadas! These two were pretty solid together. It was also fantastic to see the playoffs from the other side of the ice. I loved reliving that time in the Bruiser's history, though, I really liked that final press release more.

It was just such a satisfying build to a fantastic HEA, which left me shedding the happy tears.


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  • Started reading
  • 6 December, 2019: Finished reading
  • 6 December, 2019: Reviewed