The Last Princess by Galaxy Craze

The Last Princess (Last Princess, #1)

by Galaxy Craze

Happily ever after is a thing of the past.

A series of natural disasters has decimated the earth. Cut off from the rest of the world, England is a dark place. The sun rarely shines, food is scarce, and groups of criminals roam the woods, searching for prey. The people are growing restless.

When a ruthless revolutionary sets out to overthrow the crown, he makes the royal family his first target. Blood is shed in Buckingham Palace, and only sixteen-year old Princess Eliza manages to escape. Determined to kill the man who destroyed her family, Eliza joins the enemy forces in disguise. She has nothing left to live for but revenge, until she meets someone who helps her remember how to hope-and love-once more.

Now she must risk everything to ensure that she does not become . . .

The Last Princess.

Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

I really liked The Last Princess, but it was lacking in emotion for me, which kept me from loving it. The world has been devastated by natural disasters and now it's war ridden. Hollister is out to name himself as king by killing off the last of the royal family. It's just Eliza, her older sister Mary, and their younger brother Jamie after both of their parents are murdered. Soon, Mary and Jamie are captured, and the mercy of a soldier allows Eliza to escape. Now, it's up to her to save her siblings and her country.

The Last Princess moves along very fast and contains a lot of action, but I felt a strong disconnect between Eliza and what was happening to her. It seemed like she jumped from situation to situation without much thought. This did keep the plot moving at a swift pace, but I couldn't fully believe any of Eliza decisions, since we only get to know her on a surface level. I also was never sure of how much time was passing. It could have been a few days or a few months. Clearer transitions between scenes were certainly needed.

There isn't a lot I want to say about The Last Princess. It was good and a very quick read. I read it in one sitting, since the plot was always moving and I wanted to know what came next. I enjoyed the world, since I have a thing for dystopian settings caused by natural disasters or diseases. A lot of the story progression was brought upon by luck and coincidence, which I think also played a part in the disconnect that I felt. Overall though, I found this novel quite enjoyable. The epilogue did contain a cliffhanger despite the nice final chapter, so I guess I'll need to pick up the sequel!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 9 May, 2014: Reviewed