Reviewed by Angie on

2 of 5 stars

I am sadly disappointed in Ties, especially since there's nothing wrong with the story! I was very excited for this family reunion type plot, because I figured there would be a lot of Marigold being awesome. Well, not at all. Hattie is sick of her father sending extravagant gifts but having no contact with her. Ever. So when she gets a car for her 21st birthday, she drives across the country to return it to him. Instead of finding her father, she finds Deo, Marigold, and the whole Silver Strand crew who welcome her with open arms. Then she meets Ryan and becomes extremely annoying.

I could not stand Hattie. She is judgmental, a hypocrite, and a liar. At least she acknowledges she's a liar, but it was still annoying to read her dialogue, think that she's totally lying, then have her inner monologue confirm that she did indeed just lie. She also doesn't compromise on anything (because "everyone loses"). If things don't go her way, she just leaves. Even if things are in her favor, if it's not exactly what she wants, it's a no. She also tries to tell Ryan how he can and cannot live. Just because she likes rules and structure and having a plan, doesn't make other lifestyles less valid. But she also goes a step further and tells him how he's allowed to feel! He's being open and honest with her about getting his heartbroken previously, and she was basically like "No, that's not how you felt." And on top of that she keeps saying that Ryan isn't her type, but she cares about him and he turns her on and wants to have sex with him! But she's embarrassed to have her family find out because he's a slacker and she's a genius. Get over yourself! She thinks she's this independent woman with goals, but she's really just rude, mocking, and scared.

Hattie really ruined Ties for me. Actually, Hattie with Ryan ruined it for me. I really enjoyed the family scenes, because it's like she's a totally different person. She's warm and fun with them. She's not scared off by Marigold being touchy feely and a total hippie. But for some reason, she's this cold, stiff, control freak with Ryan and she keeps changing her rules to suit herself without telling him, then getting mad at him when he pushes her to break a rule that he didn't even know existed! I don't see how he could put up with her, especially when she was constantly putting him down and telling him that his dreams are stupid. That is not romantic to me.

I really wanted to love Ties. This series has been great up until now. There's the backbone of an amazing story here, with Hattie being mad at her father for keeping her a secret from her family, but being totally open to these people who have been strangers for 21 years. It's just the romance that made no sense, because Hattie was just awful.

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  • 18 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 18 July, 2015: Reviewed