Where the Road Takes Me by Jay McLean

Where the Road Takes Me

by Jay McLean

Chloe has one plan for the future, and one plan only: the road. She’s made a promise to herself: don’t let anyone in, and don’t let anyone love her. She’s learned the hard way what happens if she breaks her rules. So she’s focused on being invisible and waiting until she can set out on the road—her dream of freedom, at least for a little while.

Blake Hunter is a basketball star who has it all—everything about him looks perfect to those on the other side of his protective walls. He can’t let anyone see the shattered pieces behind the flawless facade or else all his hopes and dreams will disappear.

One dark night throws Chloe and Blake together, changing everything for Blake. For Chloe, nothing changes: she has the road, and she’s focused on it. But when the so-called perfect boy starts to notice the invisible girl, they discover that sometimes with love, no one knows where the road may lead.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

5 of 5 stars

What a beautiful, complicated story. I couldn't imagine myself in Chloe's place. How would I handle it? Would I approach life with her same philosophy? I don't know, because I am lucky NOT to be in her position. Then one night, Chloe and Blake collide, literally, and an unwanted connection takes root.

Things I really thought were great:
1. Blake, Chloe, Josh - we spend a lot of time with these three characters and I loved them all for different reasons, but I did love them, and care for them and wanted what was best for them. There were other great supporting characters as well - the "family" and Hunter's mom -- all contributed and fill out the story in meaningful ways.
2. McLean was able to incorporate so many issues (cancer, infidelity, physical/sexual abuse, drug/alcohol abuse, teenage pregnancy, the teenage social hierarchy -- it's all in there and I never felt as though it was preachy. In fact, she intertwined these issues into the story in a very organic, natural way. Kudos for that!
3. The way Blake and Chloe were able to get the other person to start "living" again. To start wanting connections and to start being "visible".

I will warn you the last few chapters are tough, and the EPILOUGE!!!! Tears were streaming down my face. I even realized I was holding my breath at one point (and if you read it, maybe you will know where I was holding my breath).

Overall, very enjoyable, couldn't put it down. Started it yesterday, finished it last night -- yeah, I stayed up past my bedtime. This book is filled humor, drama, good times and bad times, but mostly, a lot of love.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 February, 2015: Finished reading
  • 19 February, 2015: Reviewed