A Perilous Undertaking by Deanna Raybourn

A Perilous Undertaking (Veronica Speedwell Mystery, #2)

by Deanna Raybourn

"London, 1887. Victorian adventuress and butterfly hunter Veronica Speedwell receives an invitation to visit the Curiosity Club, a ladies-only establishment for daring and intrepid women. There she meets the mysterious Lady Sundridge, who begs her to take on an impossible task saving society art patron Miles Ramsforth from execution. Accused of the brutal murder of his artist mistress Artemisia, Ramsforth will face the hangman's noose in a week's time if Veronica cannot find the real killer. But Lady Sundridge is not all that she seems, and unmasking her true identity is only the first of the many secrets Veronica must uncover."--

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

The setting is 1887 London, and Stoker and Veronica's travel plans are thwarted when their benefactor trips over a tortoise. Oh yes, things are quite interesting when you spend time with this duo. When Victoria's invited to the Curiosity Club, she meets the mysterious Lady Sunbridge. The lady implores Veronica to save Miles Ramsforth from hanging. Miles is accused of brutally murdering his mistress. Veronica knows that Sunbridge is withholding information, but nevertheless agrees.

The mystery served is a classic whodunit, and Rayburn took us into the unspoken worlds within the art world and the ton. Stoker and Veronica are hilarious together from their back and forth bickering to Veronica's way of shocking Stoker with her open-mindedness, curiosity, and forward thinking. Not only do we spend time within the Bohemian artist colony we also visit an eighteenth-century sex club and opium den. I thought the mystery was well done with red herrings, believable suspects, and a few surprises.

For me, the best part of this series is the dynamic friendship and developing romance between Stoker and Veronica. Their personalities are different despite the fact that both love adventure. Despite his gruffness and pirate appearance, Stoker is still very much a product of his upbringing. For those who have read book one, we finally discover why he loathes his family. Veronica is a breath of fresh air, from her modified attire to her outspokenness. When they visited Stoker's brother, I had tears from laughing as Stoker squirmed and Veronica shocked. Delightful!

Aside from the chemistry dancing around Stoker and Veronica that is driving me crazy, I loved everything about this novel and the series.

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 1 February, 2017: Finished reading
  • 1 February, 2017: Reviewed