Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Luc, Carter and Jake all go to the same massage therapist, Eva. They all like her and would like to engage in a menage with her. They all ask her during each of their appointments if she would be open to a menage. She says yes and BAM...we got ourselves a foursome.

The four of them work their way through a somewhat casual, if exclusive arrangement, to trying to make it somewhat permanent. What I missed in this story that was in the first Buffalo Intimidator book was how they were going to deal with their relationship once it went public. While their teammates may be very open to an alternate lifestyle, they might be a bit of backlash from the media and press for the guys and/or the loss of clients with Eva. How would they deal with that?

Now I'll admit I had to wonder how a foursome was going to work. I know there are 3 orifices in which each male could take pleasure, but that is a lot of arms and legs to try and integrate to the process. Then there is the touching factor. Each of these men, from the brief history that we got about them, are very alpha and don't seem like the kind that would want any kind of touching going on from the other guys during the acts. In fact, there was no touching except from Eva. That left me scratching my head, because with all those bodies I wouldn't think it possible for them not to touch...even in a non-sexual manner. To me, if I'm going to engage in a menage, I'd like to know that everyone was interested in each others pleasure, not just themselves and the one they're physically engaging in the act with.

If you like a read with some very hot sex with three ultra sexy hockey player and a massage therapist who proves she's more woman than I am, this is the book for you.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 April, 2012: Finished reading
  • 6 April, 2012: Reviewed