When First They Met by Debbie Macomber

When First They Met (Rose Harbor)

by Debbie Macomber

Available exclusively as an ebook, a Cedar Cove short story from international bestseller Debbie Macomber, author of The Inn at Rose Harbor and Rose Harbor in Bloom.

From the moment Jo Marie sits next to Paul inside the Seattle Seahawks' stadium, she feels a spark. Paul's striking blue eyes and kind smile tell her that he's someone special - different from any man she's met before. When they strike up a conversation, Jo Marie and Paul realize how much they have in common, yet there's one thing keeping them from a fairy-tale ending: Paul is in the military and will ship out of Seattle within the next six weeks. As Jo Marie wonders if she should once again open her heart, she decides that, no matter the stakes, she can't forgo her chance at true love.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

It amazes me how Debbie Macomber can write something that makes the characters so real. This is a very short eBook eShort and really I think it should have been free to give a taste (like I had with [b:Gentleman of Her Dreams|15980300|Gentleman of Her Dreams (Ladies of Distinction, #0.5)|Jen Turano|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1346969904s/15980300.jpg|21732332]) but in borrowing it from the Overdrive Library as an eBook it was definitely worth the wait. I read it split between falling asleep last night and finished it in a short span this afternoon. It is like a letter describing how Jo Marie met her Paul and it's just heart squeezing. Especially for me, as I already know what happens next in having read (and really enjoyed) The Inn at Rose Harbor . I am eager to read the next book in the Rose Harbor series this fall.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 May, 2013: Finished reading
  • 28 May, 2013: Reviewed