The Bachelor Auction by Rachel Van Dyken

The Bachelor Auction (The Bachelors of Arizona)

by Rachel Van Dyken

The first book in a new series from Rachel Van Dyken about a straight-laced billionaire who's forced to spend three weeks alone with a working-class housekeeper, who happens to be the most fascinating creature he has ever met.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

3 of 5 stars

Coffee dates with The Bachelor Auction

First Date: Dyken introduces us to Jane, a.k.A Cinderella, and her obnoxiously demanding sisters. Her sister's had me wanting to bring out eighties terminology, like "gag me with a spoon." A spoon I wanted to use on the back of their heads. Jane is level headed and sacrificed to keep her father's cleaning business and provided for her siblings. The sisters want to go to a high power party, in hopes of snagging a deep-pocketed hubby and drag poor Jane along. The author also introduces us to Brock Wellington, the oldest brother of three. The responsible one. The brother who cannot say no to his grandfather and bails his brothers out of trouble. I like Brock when we first meet him even if later I want to put him in time out. Brock has just discovered he is going to be put up for auction at a charity event, one in which is grandfather will pick his "future bride." Sounds fun, right? Both Brock and Jane attend the party, and a mishap has him coming to her rescue before she is gone and he is left with only her first name and a shoe.

Second Date: I adore stories with siblings and meddling family members. Jane has reached her emotional limit between her work hour and siblings. Brock wants to tell his grandfather to piss off, but it never seems to work out. The synopsis is vague, and I will be too. Through a series of events, the two of them end up spending time in the same place. There are good and bad memories for Brock here, and instead of facing them, he acts like a bit of an arse. I wanted to smack him, but thankfully Jane sets him straight. Animals cause a stir as did the arrival of Brock's twin brothers. Yes, ladies twins, and we will be learning their fates in the next two books. The conflict for this romance is the auction, one which Jane could never afford to bid. It was fun seeing the chemistry escalate into more. Time alone allowed the two of them to open up and share.

Third Date: I am having fun on my dates with the Bachelor Auction but somethings niggled at me keeping this from a four plus coffee cup rating. Brock's behavior ran hot and cold, and while the author did explain the baggage behind it, I found it made my feelings in the middle of the story lukewarm. The heat was fun, but the first sex scene had me stopping and talking to myself aloud. Jane was a virgin. It was weird, how could her partner, an experienced lover not know? Why mention it, if you are going to gloss over it entirely. The buildup to the climactic ending was funny, entertaining and even romantic giving me the warm fuzzies. Brock redeems himself, and we see growth in both characters. We learn some interesting things and get hints at the next books. My third date wrapped up nicely and left me looking forward to the next Bachelor of Arizona book.

Copy provided by Publisher. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 27 October, 2016: Finished reading
  • 27 October, 2016: Reviewed