Reviewed by Kim Deister on

4 of 5 stars

Oracle of Philadelphia is the debut novel from author Elizabeth Corrigan and the first in the Earthbound Angels series. I have read a few books lately with the "angels and demons" theme and I love that this book was still refreshing and new and completely unique with its take on Christian mythology. Carrie, as she is called in this "life," is human, but immortal through no choice of her own. The story line behind the situation that made Carrie who and what she became is an emotional one and one that makes the reader truly feel for her.
While most of the story is contemporary, there are frequent trips back in time to various points in Carrie's very long history. Sometimes this can stall the forward motion of a story, but this is very much not the case in this book. Instead, it serves to fill in the blanks and to learn more about her and some of the other key characters in the book. I loved the characters, especially Bedlam. There was a surprising amount of unexpected humor that really made the characters fantastically believable. The details that Corrigan used to create her world in this book might, on the surface, seem small but they truly add to the dynamics of the story and the interactions between characters. The most important of these details is how love works between angels, making for some excellent tragic figures.

I truly enjoyed this book and can't wait for the next one!

Things to love about Oracle...

--Bedlam. He may be a demon, but he was a lovable demon. His quest to be good, even through difficulties of his own, was endearing.

--Bedlam and Gabriel. A demon and an angel, both of whom are the rocks that Carrie needs in her life.

--The details that add so much to the story.

Things I wanted more of...

--The prehistory that made Carrie who she is. I would love to know more about what led to that defining moment.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 April, 2013: Finished reading
  • 10 April, 2013: Reviewed