Brighton Rock by Graham Greene

Brighton Rock (The collected edition) (Landmark) (Greene, Vol 1) (MOST RED)

by Graham Greene

A gang war is raging through the dark, seedy underworld of Brighton. Pinkie, fighting for leadership, is only seventeen yet he has already proved his ruthlessness in the brutal killing of Hale, a journalist. Untouched by human feeling, Pinkie is isolated from the rest of the world, a figure of pure evil. Believing he can escape retribution, he its unprepared for the courageous, life-embracing Ida Arnold, who is determined to avenge Hale's death. This gripping thriller exposes a world of loneliness, pain and fear, of life lived on 'the dangerous edge of things'.

Reviewed by brokentune on

2 of 5 stars

Seriously, I am done with Greene's "gritty thrillers".

Years ago, I watched Brighton Rock and didn't enjoy it. Now, having read the book as the (hopefully) last of the "early" works, I have the same impression. Nice, but so not keeping me all.

And, oh dear, there is some clunky writing in this one.


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  • Started reading
  • 7 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 7 November, 2014: Reviewed