Hounded by Kevin Hearne

Hounded (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #1)

by Kevin Hearne

The first novel in the New York Times bestselling Iron Druid Chronicles—the hilarious, action-packed tales of a two-thousand-year-old Druid pursued by ancient gods in the modern world

“A page-turning and often laugh-out-loud-funny caper through a mix of the modern and the mythic.”—Ari Marmell, author of The Warlord’s Legacy

Atticus O’Sullivan is the last of the ancient druids. He has been on the run for more than two thousand years and he’s tired of it. The Irish gods who want to kill him are after an enchanted sword he stole in a first-century battle, and when they find him...Read more

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

I've been seeing this series around and about on Goodreads for a while now, so I thought I would give it a shot. Quite frankly I'm quite pleased that I did. It is a new intake on the paranormal world. I love the main character, I love it that it's a guy instead of the usual kick ass female (which of course I love). I also love the sub-characters such as Oberon, he's a totally kick ass dog, I loved him. I'm quite intrigued with Atticus's new apprentice and what's going to go on there. As for the Tuatha Dé Danann as usual they are a bunch of users that only do things that are in their favor, and the women they are pretty much horny broads lol. Which in itself is entertaining. Again I'm glad I read this and will be continuing on with this series.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 July, 2012: Finished reading
  • 19 July, 2012: Reviewed