Reviewed by clairelm on

4 of 5 stars

*Disclaimer* I received this book free from the author in return for an honest review

I really liked the concept of this story. For anyone slightly confused by the description above, here's a shorter overview - the Gods of mythology are real. All of them. Now, their eternal enemies, the Titans, have broken out of captivity and are seeking revenge. So the Gods awaken their 'disciples' (their half children) to fight the pawns of the Titans on Earth.

It is fascinating how the author manages to pull bits from all sorts of mythologies, including ones I never knew exsited, together and make it work.

I have to admit, although I enjoyed the book, I really didn't like Ryan. He grated a bit, possibly intentionally, but, as the main hero in the book, he came across as immature and irritating. The other characters, however, were great, I especially liked Jane.

All in all, an enjoyable read and I'm looking forward to the next in the series.

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  • 14 June, 2013: Reviewed
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  • 14 June, 2013: Reviewed
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  • 14 June, 2013: Reviewed