Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars


Aim is the story of a secret government assassin and a kidnapped woman. While checking into a kidnapping isn't the kind of thing the Circle of Justice usually looks into, Ian takes on the job because he has always had a thing for Grace. Also, her dad is the small Wyoming town sheriff who Ian is friends with.

The story starts off with a similar feel to a Criminal Minds episode. Side note, I feel like I have said that a LOT lately. But, anyway, Grace is kidnapped by a group of people because someone hired them. See, these people kidnap people that other people don't like for some reason. Then, they let them loose and the person who wanted them dead can hunt them. (See-its like a combination of a few different Criminal Minds episodes!). Grace is kidnapped and has no idea who would want her dead. Her dad and Ian are noticing a pattern of kidnappings and starting to realize that they are connected and not lost hikers or animal attack victims.

The plot of Aim is split between the 'who-dun-it'/how will they catch them action of the kidnapping and murders and the building relationship between Grace and Ian. I struggled a bit at how quickly Grace and Ian's relationship progressed. Yes, they knew each other a bit before this incident, but it still felt very rushed to me. I enjoyed the mystery of not only who was involved in the kidnappings but also why and how. The end felt off though-it drug out a bit after what I expected to be the end, then was sort of abrupt once it did end. Weird, but it was how I felt!

Even with my issues with parts of the story, overall, I enjoyed Aim! Its a quick read with an interesting premise that keep me engaged!


  • POV: dual 1st

  • Tears: no

  • Trope: FBI, assassin, kidnapping

  • Triggers: spoiler

  • Series/Standalone: stand alone within an interconnected series

  • Cliffhanger: no

  • HEA: yes with epilogue

Resurrection by Katie Reus, Wired by Julie Garwood, Infiltration by Janie Crouch...then you will probably like Aim!



See full review on The Book Disciple

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 7 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 7 August, 2017: Reviewed