Catching Cassidy by Melissa Foster

Catching Cassidy (Harborside Nights, #1)

by Melissa Foster

Harborside Nights are a series of stand-alone romances that may also be enjoyed as part of the larger Love in Bloom series.


Wyatt Armstrong never imagined that instead of celebrating his college graduation, he and his twin sister would be dealing with the death of their parents. Then again, Wyatt had never been one to think past tomorrow. He heads to their summer home in Harborside, Massachusetts, with his best friend Cassidy Lowell in tow, to deal with his parents' death and to try to figure out his next step. 

Six foot two, infuriatingly handsome, and flirtatious, Wyatt Armstrong has always been there for Cassidy, helping her pass her classes and fend off unwanted advances, while driving her insane with his one-night stands--but that's what best friends are for, isn't it? Having each other's backs. There was never any doubt that she would accompany him to his family's summer home--but she never expected to begin seeing Wyatt as more than a friend. Or has she been ignoring her feelings all along? 

It's impossible to ignore the sizzling heat between them as Wyatt and Cassidy get even closer, but Cassidy knows Wyatt's past, and she has a real job to begin in the fall. Wyatt may be a sure thing for the summer, but Cassidy needs more. For the first time in his life, Wyatt is forced to look toward the future if he doesn't want to lose the one woman who's shared his past and owns his heart. 

Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

3 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews

Catching Cassidy is a great introductory story to the Harborside Nights series, seeing as it introduces the characters that will have their own story later on in the series. Catching Cassidy introduces us to our first couple: Cassidy and Wyatt, two best friends that have known each other since they were five-years-old and have kept their feelings hidden towards one another.

Cassidy, Wyatt and Wyatt's twin sister Delilah have just graduated college and each one of them is about to embark on their own journey but tragedy strikes Wyatt and Delilah when their parents die in a car accident and Cassidy is dealing with her own bad break up. All of them escape to Wyatt's and Delilah's summer home to escape reality for a while and just relax with their friends.

I have mixed feelings with Wyatt and Cassidy. The reason being that... I tried liking their romance. Hell, I loved it at the beginning but it got to a point where I felt like it kept being dragged on and on. In the end, I know I loved their story but there is a long time while reading the book that had me really thinking if they should be together or not. I'm glad that I learned to love and accept them because they are honestly cute together. I didn't really like Waytt's over-protectiveness over Cassidy and how he kept thinking it would be a major risk if he decided to give himself and Cassidy a chance. I wanted to slap his face but, of course, he realized it was better to give it a try to have Cassidy in his life.

"I was wrong. There is no me without you."

I really liked the secondary characters! I really loved Brandon and Tristan! Brandon is a... well, he is a complex character, I would say. He has sex with both women and men. He doesn't know what he likes more. What he does know for sure is his love for music and his guitar. Tristan is a funny character that I LOVED!!! He is a great friend to Cassidy and Wyatt. He puts his problems aside to be there for his friends. One of my favorite quotes by him is:

"We all feel like sluts sometimes. We're supposed to feel like sluts. God gave us lust, right? Well, we're only human, so we take that word and we mix up the letters."

Delilah is learning to deal with who she is, a closeted lesbian. No one but Cassidy and Wyatt know about her feelings and her deceased parents. Delilah is another character that I liked but felt like the author was pushing her story too much, which made me dislike it a bit but learned to deal with.

While I rate this book 3 stars, I really recommend it to readers. Melissa is a great author. I have enjoyed her previous work quite a lot. She always knows how to engage the reader and she brings on all the feels. This book is no exception when it comes to bringing the emotions to life. Even though this is a story that deals with loss, I found it to be a fun story nonetheless and quite enjoyable.

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  • 3 May, 2015: Reviewed