Avoiding Responsibility by K A Linde

Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding, #2)

by K.A. Linde

Lexi has finally given up her once destructive relationships and moved onto bigger and better things with a sexy new man in town. Just when she is starting to figure it out with him, her world is tilted once again with a phone call from none other than Ramsey Bridges. A year after his entrance into her life, Ramsey is trying to make amends and does the one thing she never expects--invites her to Jack's wedding.

The wedding she had evaded at all costs. But no matter what she does, Lexi can't seem to escape her past with Jack. But does she really want to?

Despite the explosive chemistry between Lexi and Ramsey, she is skeptical about trusting him after everything that has happened. When things are amiss with him, she starts questioning his motives. Can Ramsey be the one to remove Jack from Lexi's life permanently or should she move on with her blossoming new life?

Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Avoiding Responsibility is the ultimate dramafest! Holy crap! I thought I had already read the worst of Alexa's boy trouble, but after realizing that this one picks up a year after the previous book, I knew something huge must have happened. At its start, Alexa is in bed with a new, mystery man when Ramsey calls to ask her to Jack's wedding. She thinks he's completely out of his mind, but being Alexa, she ultimately decides to go. Let the festivities begin!

Much like the first book, Avoiding Responsibility alternates between the past and the present. This time though, it's just the previous year after Alexa left Jack and Ramsey in Atlanta. I found the first several flashback chapters to be really rough and frustrating. They mostly focus on Alexa's best friend, Chyna, whom I cannot stand! I swear this girl only calls Alexa when she's in a "crisis" and Alexa drops everything to be there for her. I guess that shows that Alexa is a great friend, but also that Chyna is a drama queen and wants the world to revolve around her. I really could have done without her chapters completely.

However, Avoiding Responsibility did keep me reading because I had to know what happened a month ago! It's hinted that something major happened between Alexa and Ramsey about a month before he calls her. In fact, a lot of crap happened in that entire year. So many secrets and lies! I can't believe how much these people hide from each other. Alexa has actually gotten better about hiding information, but Ramsey? I think he thought his intentions were honorable, but no, he went about things all wrong. Alexa is keeping the fact that she was sleeping with someone back in New York secret, but of course that comes out eventually too. I was waiting for some more over-the-top relationship drama when everything was finally out in the open, but I was so proud that Alexa and Ramsey keep their heads! OMG people who use their brains! That was such a relief.

I did struggle with parts of Avoiding Responsibility, like I already mentioned, but I thought the ending was great. Alexa going to that wedding was a horrible idea, but I think it finally got her that closure she wanted. I also really liked that Alexa wasn't apologetic for seeing someone when she wasn't in a relationship with someone else, and that Ramsey saw that for what it was despite other character's trying to make Alexa look bad. In another world, this would seem like a perfect ending, but I just knew Alexa wasn't completely done with Jack yet.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 3 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 3 November, 2014: Reviewed