Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

The Best Parts is the seventh book in the Cade Creek series by Stormy Glenn. While this book is part of a series, it can be read and enjoyed as a standalone novel with ease.

Noah Helmond is recovering from a car accident that changed his life forever. A prominent surgeon, Noah has just lost the full use of his hand. Noah also is being ostracized by everyone in town. While Noah is trying to make amends for his actions even he has his limits as the people in town push him well past it.

Paul Rafferty is a firefighter and his need to help and protect are in overdrive with Noah. Paul has a hard time cracking the thick exterior Noah portrays. However, the more he gets to know Noah the more he realizes everyone in town does not know the real story behind the man.

The connection between Paul and Noah is intense. I loved that as Paul got to know Noah his attitude changed and he helped Noah deal with making changes. The sex scenes were scorching.

I found this book well written with a distinctive plot. The main characters and the secondary characters were enthralling. While the ending was a little predictable, this book is one that has a deeper message. I had a hard time putting this book down. Overall, this was a very fascinating book and I hope to see these characters again in the future.

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  • 30 August, 2015: Reviewed