Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: Dog Men by Jim Butcher, Mark Powers

Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: Dog Men

by Jim Butcher and Mark Powers

New York Times-bestselling author Jim Butcher expands his beloved "Dresden Files" novel series with the all-new "Dog Men" story set within official continuity, created exclusively as a graphic novel!

Harry Dresden is a man on the edge—and that is something that can be dangerous to friend and foe alike. He’s been drafted by a senior member of the White Council of Wizards to investigate a series of murders in rural Mississippi. As always, there’s more afoot than is immediately apparent. The question is, will Harry’s state of mind keep him from seeing it, and will his actions lead him into direct conflict with the wizard who’s depending on his help?

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

3 1/2 stars.

I received a copy of Dog Men from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

If you’ve been following the Dresden Files (either the novels or the graphic novels, or both obviously), then you’ve got a pretty good idea of the world that’s been established. Dog Men fits into that world (of course), though it feels more like an aside than part of the main plot.

I mentioned above that Dog Men feels more like a brief aside or short story than part of the greater plot that’s been forming in the series, and it’s true. Though I’ll pretty much accept any excuse see Listens-to-Winds again. He’s one of my favorite higher ranking wizards for the series, so obviously I adore seeing him be a pivotal character for this graphic novel.
It sort of felt like the focus of this volume was to have Listens-to-Winds teach Harry how to better control his emotions and think through his actions. Granted, I absolutely believe that Harry needs to learn both of these lessons, but I don’t believe he could learn them in such a short time frame. There’s a plot to hold up these lessons, but it isn’t the most solid one out there (though it could be worse…so I really shouldn’t complain).
There’s a lot of destruction and…carnage for this volume. So if you’re hoping for a light and easy read, this isn’t the story for you. However if you’re hoping for some more fighting and gore than the usual comic provides, this will probably be fine with you.
I loved the artwork for this issue – Listens-to-Winds is pretty much exactly how I pictured him, and it was great to see other characters like Dresden (obviously) and Mouse (can an animal be my favorite character in the series? If so, Mouse is totally my favorite).

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  • 12 February, 2018: Reviewed