Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Elizabeth B's Thoughts

I have a confession to make – I was nervous about this book because of the idea of a teacher/student relationship freaked me out a little bit. I’m really glad I gave it a chance because Need Me was a great, sexy read.

Part of what made this book work for me is the fact that Ben, our English Professor, is only 25 and a first year professor. Yes, there is still a potential creep factor because he is in a position of authority over his students, but we learn early on that he purposely tries to avoid being overly friendly to keep a barrier of sorts between his private and professional lives.

Honey, our student, stretches the imagination a little bit for me. She’s petit, blond, and beautiful; a pre-med major who also writes a flawless English essay. She’s managed to land a prime apartment with two great roommates at minimal rent and she worries about how the expense of her being in New York impacts the people at home. I should have hated her, right? Well, even with a big dose of “too good to be true” I actually like Honey.

There were lots of sexy moments between Ben and Honey, but they definitely ran hot and cold mainly because the issues surrounding the student/teacher relationship. The intensity of feelings on both sides seemed a little extreme for people who are 20 and 25, but I was so pulled into the story that it didn’t really bother me while I was reading.

Need Me is the second book in the Broke and Beautiful series, but works well as a stand-alone work. Ben and Honey’s story is complete and the secondary characters add flare. I am definitely curious about the other books in the series.

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books.

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  • 19 April, 2015: Finished reading
  • 19 April, 2015: Reviewed