In the sequel to A Lick of Frost, Meredith Gentry, whose rightful place on the throne of Faerie is dependent on being able to produce an heir, is overjoyed when she finds herself pregnant after many failed attempts, but her triumph is overshadowed by court plots against her life and those she loves.
FINALLY, some resolution! This entry in the Merry Gentry series plods along a bit at first, as the characters in this series tend to overanalyze and thoroughly discuss everything, but the major battle between Meredith and her enemies is Laurell Hamilton at her finest. If you read these for the sex, you'll be a bit disappointed with this one. But, if you're reading for the story, you'll be happy to see some conclusions here. This series is far from her best and I think that with some serious editing it would have made a much better trilogy than a seven-book series, but if you are as hooked on Hamilton as I am you will read it regardless of quality.