The Otter of Death by Betty Webb

The Otter of Death

by Betty Webb

While taking the yearly ''otter count'' at a marsh near Gunn Landing Harbor, California, zookeeper Theodora Bentley sees Maureen, her favorite otter, swimming around clutching someone's expensive smartphone. When Teddy rescues the device, she discovers a photograph of a murder-in-progress. A hasty search soon turns up the still-warm body of Stuart Booth, PhD, a local Marine Biology instructor. Booth was a notorious sexual harasser of young female students, so the list of suspects is long enough to make Teddy wonder if the crime will ever be solved. But when her friend, Lila, one of Booth's original accusers, is arrested and charged with his murder, Teddy begins to investigate. This creates considerable tension with Teddy's fiancA(c), Sheriff Joe Rejas. He believes the ever-inquisitive zookeeper might be putting her own life at risk, and so orders her to butt out...

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

The Otter of Death is the 5th installment in the Gunn Zoo cozy mystery series by Betty Webb. The series is a clean cozy whose main character is a zookeeper (and volunteer environmentalist) and Joe, her local sheriff love interest.

This is a well written cozy which fits comfortably into the genre. For fans of continuing series with animals/antiques/librarians/bakeries & caterers, this series is engaging and fun.

The characterizations and plotting are adept and very readable. It's a diverting and entertaining read.

Due out 2nd May, 2018 from Poisoned Pen, available in ebook, hardback and paperback formats (according to Amazon pre-pub info). No page content listed, but it's a relatively short read.

Bonus points for the author's dedication. I practically grew up in my local public library and owe my lifelong reading habit to my parents (both educators) and a slew of engaged and intelligent public librarians who encouraged me to read anything and everything I could get my hands on.

Three and a half stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher.

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  • 21 February, 2018: Reviewed