Reviewed by funstm on

5 of 5 stars

This book kind of wrecked me. It was just the perfect book at the perfect time. It's nothing particularly new in the fantasy genre but it hits all the right notes for fantasy lovers. But this book is special. It tackles rape. It highlights friendship and love and the deep bonds that arise when everything you know is taken away. And it promotes healing and forgiveness and letting go of anger and betrayal and hurt and so much more. So while this book isn't particularly new ground in terms of fantasy - it is AMAZING.

I loved all the characters.
I loved the relationships - the friendships/sibling bonds - Devin, Kyali and Taireasa
And I loved the romantic interests - OMG Annan! Kinsey!
I even loved the ending although I really hope there will be a sequel in the future. There was a lot left unanswered but I also saw how it was kind of the perfect wrap up point as well. And the last scene with Kyali and Devin was adorable.

They were all such strong characters who worked so hard to try to be there for one another and give each other what they needed. It was really nice to see such supportive bonds, I feel like I don't read enough of that. I'd love to say I have a favourite character but I honestly wouldn't be able to choose. It's just an EPIC, AMAZING novel and you should read it. And Amy Bai should write a sequel. Or five.

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  • 7 June, 2019: Reviewed