Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

June, forced back to Sultry Springs to deal with a bench warrant, discovers her best friend and first love, Luke Gallagher, is back in town and the man she must report to for her community service. And despite how things were left the last time they saw each other, the form a truce in hopes of getting their friendship back on track. But what June and Luke discover is that despite what plans they have, fate has a way of showing them what they really need.

I do love a good ole Southern man who's a bit on the tortured side and can't decide what to do with the one woman who turns him inside out. Macy Beckett, who is now on my watch list after this book, made me fall in love with sexy, tortured Luke Gallagher and want to be BFFs with clutzy, lovable Mae-June July Augustine.

Luke came back to Sultry Springs hoping to prove that he deserved his second chance and he's not like his parents. He doesn't believe in love and doesn't think he deserves it. He kids himself into thinking what he feels for June is just friendship and unfortunately she's the first one he strikes out at when things go wrong. It's not until Luke thinks he's lost absolutely every (June included) that he realizes the power of love.

June ran from Sultry Springs thinking she could make a better life for herself some place else, away from her Grandmother and her church friends and most of all her memories of Luke. But when she comes back home, she finds everything she was missing living in Austin. She knows Luke is surly when it comes to his feelings for her, but she discovers that she wants to prove to him once and for all that he is loveable. It's not an easy road, but she finally makes her point.

This was such a fun read. It had wit, charm and enough cooky characters to keep you laughing as you held your breath hoping Luke and June got it right. I can't wait to see what's in store for us next in Sultry Springs!

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  • Started reading
  • 22 September, 2012: Finished reading
  • 22 September, 2012: Reviewed