Anomaly by Tonya Kuper

Anomaly (Schrodinger's Consortium, #1)

by Tonya Kuper

What if the world isn't what we think? What if reality is really only an illusion? What if you were one of the few who could control it? Yeah, Josie Harper didn't believe it, either, until strange things started happening. When this hot guy tried to kidnap her, shouting about ultimate observers and pushing and consortiums hell-bent on controlling the world...Well, that's when things got real. Now Josie's got it bad for a boy who weakens her every time he's near and a world of enemies on her tail who want to control her gift, so yeah, she's going to need more than just her wits if she hopes to survive much longer. Einstein never saw this coming...

Reviewed by bookishzelda on

Anomaly definitely jumps right into the action. We learn right away about Anomalies, Pushers and Retractors. My mind actually took a minute to wrap around what was going on…for some reason I had weird images in my head of retracting and pushing. Anyway wants the story got started things evened out for me. I really liked the concept of how their power works. I also like the idea of the fact that nothing is infinite. It addressing that whole thing that if people are so powerful why don’t they take over the world.

I loved Josie and her nerdiness. Although I thought it was weird to want to be called a dork instead of nerd. Nerd implies you are smart, I think dork is just people think you are weird. I loved that she would make all kinds of different geeky references to different superhero things as well as Star Trek. I thought she was an interesting character because she things for what they are. Maybe it’s because she is so analytical but I’m not meaning just the fact that she accepts her powers but also because she’s able to see past anger. When truths come out and she is hurt, she still manages to see the things people have done for her not just the things they haven’t done. I really liked that.

Reid was a great guy. Loyal to a fault, truly believing his cause. Also willing to sacrifice things for Josie’s safety. He also has an interesting view on things being that he doesn’t think anyone should have too much power. I like that he really considers things before jumping in.

I really liked the plot. It had a good flow and vibe to it. The ending felt good, like excited you for the next book but doesn’t leave you hanging too much. You can tell that there were things eluded to that we will find out about later.

I feel like it’s weird to say this is a satisfying read but it was. I’ve been engrossed in a couple of series and I read this book in between them. I was able to get into it so much so that I read it in a day and I had that, that was a good read feeling after.

Cool plot with action that keeps the things moving. Characters that are interesting and definitely likable. A solid ending for the first book. I would say definitely pick it up.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 29 November, 2014: Reviewed