The Alchemists of Loom by Elise Kova

The Alchemists of Loom (Loom Saga, #1)

by Elise Kova

Her vengeance. His vision.

Ari lost everything she once loved when the Five Guilds’ resistance fell to the Dragon King. Now, she uses her unparalleled gift for clockwork machinery in tandem with notoriously unscrupulous morals to contribute to a thriving underground organ market. There isn’t a place on Loom that is secure from the engineer-turned-thief, and her magical talents are sold to the highest bidder as long as the job defies their Dragon oppressors.

Cvareh would do anything to see his sister usurp the Dragon King and sit on the throne. His family’s house has endured the shame of...

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Reviewed by tweetybugshouse on

5 of 5 stars

This is the second series by Elise that i had the privilege to read and review. This one blew me away by its uniqueness. You got two worlds Loom and Nova and it seems the two have to co exist to exist but Loom does not welcome the opression of the dragons that from what we been told just showed up and took over attempting to fix what they did understand. Now when i first started in the novel and dragons where brought up i imagined dragons in the sense of a huge animal. Elise has taken that image and flipped head over heels these are creatures with humanoid features. Their magic with a twist of steam punk to be sure and characters that are not always what they seem. If you pick up this book your in for a treat in ways i never could of imagined. An impressive start to what i sure will be a 5 star read all the way through.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 December, 2016: Finished reading
  • 1 December, 2016: Reviewed