Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy

Skulduggery Pleasant (Skulduggery Pleasant, #1) (Collins Readers)

by Derek Landy

Meet the great Skulduggery Pleasant: wise-cracking detective, powerful magician, master of dirty tricks and burglary (in the name of the greater good, of course).

Oh yeah. And dead.

Then there's his sidekick, Stephanie. She's… well, she's a twelve-year-old girl. With a pair like this on the case, evil had better watch out…

“So you won't keep anything from me again?"
He put his hand to his chest. "Cross my heart and hope to die."
"Okay then. Though you don't actually have a heart," she said.
"I know."
"And technically, you've already died."
"I know that too."
"Just so we're clear."

Stephanie's uncle Gordon is a...

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Reviewed by alindstadtcorbeax on

5 of 5 stars

Star Rating: —> 5 Stars (look, this rating will never change, in all of my re-reads, so. Here it stands, for all the world the world to see, in all it's smart, snarky, & magical glory)

-Mar 15, 2021: This book/series just never, ever gets old! SO GOOD! Everyone, read this, now. You'll thank me later!

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  • 15 March, 2021: Finished reading
  • 15 March, 2021: Reviewed
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  • 15 March, 2021: Reviewed
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  • 15 March, 2021: Reviewed