Triumph by Carolyn Jessop


by Carolyn Jessop


At the age of 18, Carolyn Jessop was forced to marry a 50-year-old stranger and religious cult member. She became one of six wives and bore him eight children in 15 years. When the cult started preaching death and destruction, she knew she and her children had to escape.

Carolyn Jessop's extraordinary story as part of the fundamentalist Mormon church in the US was chronicled in her international bestseller Escape. Three years on, Carolyn has written Triumph, an inspirational guide which will help anyone overcome adversity and hardship to achieve their dreams. With the right tools, we can all face our fears and redefine our relationships with those who have hurt us.

'A truly wonderful story of bravery and courage . . . I could not put it down' Reader Review

'An absolutely inspiring woman'
Reader Review

'This is an amazing book which I'll be thinking about for a long time'
Reader Review

Reviewed by mbtc on

4 of 5 stars

A great continuation of the story I first read about in Escape.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 March, 2012: Finished reading
  • 2 March, 2012: Reviewed