Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

3 of 5 stars

Five reasons to grab your earbuds and listen to Beyond the Night

  •  In 2010 most of the world's inhabitant died. Not by a virus or natural disaster nor was it a war. An unknown group referred to as the "Strangers" appeared shortly after in small numbers and began taking over. These strangers are immortals wearing odd crystals. Strange zombie-like creatures known as Gangas roam the planet. These oversized monsters, appear at night and have razor sharp claws. They all moan the same message.

  • Our story begins fifty years later when Dr. Elliott Drake emerges from a cave with friends to discover they have traveled in time and the world as they know it is gone. As an added twist Drake discovers he can heal with his touch. What unfolds is a dystopian, apocalyptic, zombie, paranormal romance mix up.

  • Beyond the Night offers suspense, horror, a little bit of mystery and even some heat. The danger will keep you on edge. As we get to know all the players I was never quite sure of everyone's intentions. Most of our time is spent in the human settlement town known as Envy. We get everything from political plays to boarder patrol as this group protects their own. The town is well established and even boasts a bar with nightly entertainment.

  • The story isn't perfect, but I was curious about the world and its secrets. I struggled with Drake's emerging Alpha tendencies, and the relationship he had with Jade Kapiza. These aspects pulled me from the other threads that I found fascinating. Jade was a bit of a mystery and a total badass. She is a loner hiding from something but joins up with Drake and a relationship develops. Both characters have secrets, and I will be curious to discover them.

  • Ware laid the groundwork for the Envy Chronicles revealing enough to hook me and lay the foundation for questions that need to be answered. The ending wrapped up nicely while leaving the door open for the next book in the series.

This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 21 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 21 November, 2016: Reviewed