Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

We've started getting into counting books. Even though right now at twelve plus months we are not fully ready to count we're starting. AppleBlossom loves the pictures and this book is great with the fuzzy baby animals. Easily I can say they accomplished their goal of creating a book to stimulate our little tiny toddler's developing curiosity. Much like how I love the [b:Counting Christmas|23378|Counting Christmas|Karen Katz||24349] book because of how it has many things to count in having the picture of items, the numeral number, the number name spelled out and the right amount of * to count... this one also has one step above that, a 125px image of a child holding up the right number of fingers for said number. I think that is great! Animal Counting counts up from one to ten. I will definitely be looking for more BabyGenius books for my plausible genius.

*This book was given to us by a friend.*

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  • Started reading
  • 18 August, 2010: Finished reading
  • 18 August, 2010: Reviewed