Tall, Dark & Dead by Tate Hallaway

Tall, Dark & Dead (Garnet Lacey, #1)

by Tate Hallaway

Recovering witch Garnet Lacey owns Wisconsin's premier occult bookstore. And a fringe benefit of the job is getting customers like Sebastian Von Traum-piercing brown eyes, a sexy accents, and a killer body. The only thing missing is an aura. Which means he's dead. And that means trouble-something Garnet's a sucker for...

Reviewed by Berls on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

So I bought books 2 and 3 of this series in an audible 2 for 1 sale about 4 years ago I think, because the narrator was/is Amanda Ronconi and I love her. But I didn't have book one.... So years later my stepson's mom has become an audio addict (thanks to yours truly) and she now owns tons of books I've been meaning to get to and what do ya know, she let's me borrow this book, book 1 of the series I planned on reading 4 years ago. Lol!

So obviously the narration was great. And the book was pretty good too. It has the signature light, funny quality most the books Ronconi seems to narrate have. And the paranormal elements were pretty standard. I love the small town feel and that the main character, Garnet Lacey, manages an occult shop. Very Buffy-esque

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  • 8 July, 2018: Finished reading
  • 8 July, 2018: Reviewed