Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

4 of 5 stars

Amazing and epic conclusion to The Star Child series!

I was very devastated when Cali and Kellen got separated in the ending of The Fallen Stars. I just wanted to dive into this story so I could find out about their journey once again. TSC picks up where TFS left off. Kellen always has Gabe, his best friend, for support and Gabe jumps right in to help him all while discovering that Gabe means much more to him (Kellen) than he thinks.

Kellen and Gabe set out to find Rowan, Cali’s mortal sister because she is the one that has the answers that they have been seeking. While visiting Rowan, Gabe meets Singer, Rowan’s daughter and he instantly feels something for her.

The group finally rescues Cali and Kellen and her finally get to really be married and have their wedding night but it is short lived because the long-awaited war has arrived. Kellen needs to decide whether to stay mortal or become a god in order to access powers to save the world.

First, I must say I love the covers in the series so much! The Star Child was a fantastic read and I enjoyed a lot! The Fallen Stars was still good but I felt it slacked a little bit. The Star Catcher comes in and it is beyond phenomenal! I love Stephanie Keyes writing, I love how descriptive and emotional her writing can be. She can really drag you in the story without you ever realizing it. And she succeeded once again in delivering the epic conclusion to The Star Child series.

In every book of the series, new characters are introduced. In TSC, Rowan and Singer get introduced and they play a major role in this story. The characters are very well portrayed and so in-depth and in-sync with the story. Fans of Young Adult Fantasy will certainly not be disappointed at all with this series. It is something different, something new, something extraordinary.

Stephanie, once again I applaud you for your entertaining and amazing series you have written. I cannot wait to read more works from this author!

This review was originally published on Latte Nights Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 15 November, 2014: Reviewed