Carnival of Secrets by Melissa Marr

Carnival of Secrets (Untamed City, #1)

by Melissa Marr

An extraordinary new world, from the New York Times bestselling author of the Wicked Lovely series.

Warriors Kaleb and Aya will stop at nothing to destroy their competition. But when Kaleb finds his fate entwined with that of Mallory, a seventeen-year-old human girl, he can't seem to separate the vicious Carnival contest he's entered from his sudden devotion to her. He and Aya may be prize fighters from the otherworldly Untamed City, but his strange, obsessive connection makes staying away from the witch-ruled human world, and Mallory, harder every day.

All Mallory knows of the Untamed City is what...

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Reviewed by layawaydragon on

4 of 5 stars

-Trigger Warning
-Loved the Damien werewolves, gives a different twist to typical witches and werewolves hatred
-The proto wedding was gross and so wrong. Ugh. The breeding part is going to cause problems and I actively loathe it as much as the proxies forced role as rape victim.
-Anya is a constant surprise, like Zeke, I feel for V but damn do I hate creepy pushing and his terrible options, I like Mal but she's not had much time to shine, Adam is an awful overprotective ass but I -don't hate him yet, and I'm surprised how much I don't hate Mad.
-Love the 5 Finger Death Punch inspiration, must listen to it. My roommate is a huge fan of them so it should work out. :D
-Very curious where it's going and must continue series

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  • 4 March, 2016: Reviewed