Find Momo Coast to Coast by Andrew Knapp

Find Momo Coast to Coast (Find Momo, #2)

by Andrew Knapp

Play hide-and-seek with Instagram’s favorite border collie, hiding in every page of this book of beautiful landscape photography.

Momo, the adorable border collie who hides in the photography of his best buddy, Andrew Knapp, is on a 15,000-mile road trip. And you’re invited for a coast-to-coast game of hide-and-seek! Look for Momo hiding in Grand Central Station, in front of the White House, on the streets of San Francisco, and amid quirky back-road wonders that only these seasoned travelers could find.
In this follow-up to Find Momo, their smash first book, Momo and Andrew share a continent-spanning collection of gorgeous new images never seen on their (insanely popular) Instagram feed. Find Momo Coast to Coast is part game, part photography book, part road-trip journal … and a whole lot of fun!

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

It’s not secret that I love Momo! I follow Andrew Knapp’s instagram account, which are full of gorgeous shots like the ones featured in this book and the first book Find Momo.

Momo, for those who don’t know him, is a border collie with a knack for hiding in the coolest/most obscure places across the continent. The main goal is simple, Find Momo. However with Find Momo: Coast to Coast Andrew’s other goal was to motivate other people to get out and explore. Instead of going places you’re use to or visiting places that everyone can see, go out and check out the roads less traveled.

Find Momo: Coast to Coast is Andrew and Momo’s journey across the United States and Canada which they took in one epic road trip. The book is split into sections like Atlantic Coast, South, and Northwest; and there are several shots from each group of locations. The photography in this book is stunning, and there are several shots I would love to have on my wall because they really do cause a sense of wanderlust. There were a few pictures from Georgia containing locations I’ve never been to or seen, and part of me wanted to make everyone get out the house and go see them. So in that I think Andrew’s goal was a success.

This is the perfect coffee table book for the pet and photography lovers out there. It could even be fun for the kids who love search and find books, and provides some awesome opportunities to learn about new places. If you haven’t yet I urge you to go check out Andrew Knapp on instagram or check out his blog

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  • Started reading
  • 11 April, 2015: Finished reading
  • 11 April, 2015: Reviewed