Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Twisted Heartbreak is the first book in the Siege duology. The synopsis revealed this was a second chance romance with dark themes. I love a good second chance romance and despite rarely reading stories featuring dark themes; I looked forward to diving into Lexi and Andrew’s story.

Twisted Heartbreak is a second chance romance that will take you on a wild, intense, twisted and emotional journey. It introduces readers to Andrew and Lexi, who fell in love as teenagers. However, at the point of them exploring and embracing their feelings for each other, a cruel turn of events ripped them apart. From that moment on, their lives were never the same.

Fast forward seven years later, both Andrew and Lexi are a shell of the persons they once were having experienced horrific life-changing events. Determined to re-connect with Lexi, Andrew begins a search which revealed her closer than he imagined. Soon, both will embark on a journey of revenge to take down all who hurt them in the past.

My Views
Twisted Heartbreak was dark, and it delivered an interesting tale of revenge, obsession, and love. This was my first time reading the author’s work, and I enjoyed every moment. I definitely will pick up the next book as soon as it’s available. 

Told from alternate POVs, the story moves between the past and the present. This allows the reader to understand the protagonists’ mental and emotional state, while providing insight into past events that has brought everyone to this current place.

The characters were complex and well fleshed out. We come to see how their pasts groomed them to become persons they are in the present. The manner in which they are portrayed will elicit different emotions. One will either dislike, like or emphatise with them. I am at a crossroads where Andrew is concerned. I had empathy for him as a teen, but as an adult, he’s done some questionable things in the name of love and revenge. Things which were cold and calculating. Lexi, despite still having feelings for Andrew, believes the worst of him. She blames him for the horrific incident which changed their lives. Even now, when evidence proves her blame may have been displaced, she finds comfort in holding him responsible. As a result, she placed herself in a precarious position, which led to serious repercussions for both her and Andrew.The story which moved quickly grabbed me from the first page. Entertaining, riveting, heartbreaking, and twisted at its core, Twisted Heartbreak took me on a dark and gritty journey. After that twisted ride, it left me hanging off a cliff. I am hanging on by the tips of my fingers, waiting impatiently for the next book. This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

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  • 28 April, 2022: Reviewed