Reviewed by limabean74 on

5 of 5 stars

This may contain very minor spoilers the end and major events were left out of the review

Ok, where do I start? I received an advanced copy of this book to give an honest review because Staci Hart is my favorite person EVER!!

So let me be completely honest


One of my favorite books this year. WOW the emotions that this book makes you feel, is overwhelming and completely awesome. Books that make you want to throw them across the room because you get so angry at the characters = an AMAZINGLY AWESOME READ!!!

Lets start at the beginning....

You will be happy to get a glimpse at what Lex and Dean are up to since we last left them. It’s not to long but just enough to make you want to read the first book all over again Hahaha

Ok so in the book we have a new competition with new players. This time Dita goes against Ares (that handsome god of war) and both pick players with some major issues. All your favorite gods are back and you get to hang out with a few that weren’t or had small parts in the first book. The chemistry between Dita and Ares is HOT. They have a few SEXY moments that I may or may not have read twice…. Seriously that HOT ;) They both have such a strong history together and with Adonis out of the way (Because Dita gave Apollo Daphane back) Ares finally has his shot with Dita and this time he plans to make her his forever…. Obsessive? Like scary stalker, do-anything-to-get-the-person-I-want-kind-of-obsessive (still kind of makes him hot in a crazy obsessive person way) ;) Dita is also trying to find out the real story of who killed Adonis and with the help of Perry and a few others she learns the truth but she also realizes something about Adonis. (No I’m not going to tell you) which cause a series of events that will truly break your heart and by the end bring you to tears. I actually can’t think about it because it makes me want to cry.

(Well, thanks, guess whose crying again, damn it)

**grab’s tissues, takes deep breath, release**


This time the players are Kat and Dillon and OMG do they have issues. They both come from completely different backgrounds, Dillon’s backstory is heartbreaking and Kat’s is a pretty average childhood (sort of) but they are both stubborn, hot headed and truly dedicated to their younger sibling going above and beyond to protect them. There is so much emotion between both of these characters that one minute you want to mush their faces, the next minute you are so happy and the next minute you want to throw the book then grab it again, apologize and find out what happens next. I had a few moments with Kat, that I was ripping my hair out she drove me crazy how she kept stuff to herself. At some one point I was screaming for her to PICK UP THE PHONE!!!!

Kat left Vegas to get away from her sister Kiki’s ex boyfriend who is an abusive jerk. Which brings them to NY were they go into hiding. They meet Owen and Dillon at the bar the girls work at. Kiki falls instantly for Owen and you can feel the sparks between Kat and Dillon but they are so hostile towards each other at first, kind of guarded trying to protect there younger siblings. As Kat feels herself getting closer to Dillon she is scared that she will let her guard down and Kiki’s ex will find them. How can she keep her sister safe if Dillon and her feeling for him distract her?

Any book that can make you feel the emotions of each character and have your heartbreak with them or worry that things will go wrong for them is a great read.

I love how the stories all mesh together and you can see a bit of Kat and Dillon’s story project in Ares and Ditas. It’s hard to explain without giving too much away,

You really must read the book!!! I have given you just a glimpse at what is going on there is so much more!!!!!

Staci Hart really knows how to tell a story with great detail. I loved the flashbacks; just like the first book they add so much to the story. They were just as interesting to read as the actually present day storyline.

Hanging with the Gods again was like joining a group of friend at a reunion. It was so great to catch up on what has been going on and hear about things that went on in the past.

I can’t express enough how much I love this series and how strongly I feel that you should read them. You will not be disappointed. Yet again Staci did an amazing job bringing the lives of the Greek gods and the players to life. I will miss them. Can’t wait for the next one.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 23 July, 2013: Reviewed