Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


I enjoyed this one quite a lot. That said, I also had a few issues that lowered my rating a bit. I'll start with the good. I found this one to be fairly well written and paced. The author has a very readable writing style. The plot was engaging and kept me turning the pages. This isn't a romance at all, more a psychological thriller in my opinion. So there weren't any sex scenes. I enjoyed the two sisters and felt the author did a fairly good job fleshing out their characters and backgrounds.

Which leads me to the issues I had with this one. I didn't think there was enough fleshing out of a certain character to support the twist at the end. We skip from when they are kids to twelve years later, and I wished the author had spent a bit less time with the characters as kids and gave us some insight into what all the characters were doing in the twelve intermittent years. I needed to be able to at least buy into the twist and I just couldn't because we get no details on how we got from point A (kids) to point B (twist). On top of that, I felt the ending was rushed. With really no explanation as to the "why." It left me confused as to the motive. We are also left with some loose ends that are never explained. And what about justice for the loved ones who lost people?

So yea, this one is a bit of a pickle to rate. Like I said, for most of the book I enjoyed it a lot. I was intrigued and excited to see where it was headed. But...sigh. The underdeveloped twist and the ending really let this one down for me. I am going to go with a 3.5 for this one and call it good since it pretty much falls right between 3-4.

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  • 18 October, 2017: Finished reading
  • 18 October, 2017: Reviewed