Blessing In Disguise by Danielle Steel

Blessing In Disguise

by Danielle Steel

In Blessing in Disguise, Danielle Steel’s wise, warm-hearted novel, an inspirational woman discovers the highs and lows of being a mother to three very different daughters.

As a young intern at an art gallery in Paris, Isabelle McAvoy meets Putnam Armstrong, wealthy, gentle, older and secluded from the world. Her time at his Normandy château is the stuff of dreams, for when she learns she is pregnant, she knows that marriage is out of the question.

Returning to New York, Isabelle enters a new relationship that she hopes will be more stable but before long she realizes she has made a terrible mistake and once again finds herself a single mother.

With two young daughters Isabelle unexpectedly finds happiness and a love that gives her a third child, a baby as happy as her beloved father. And yet, life brings more change . . .

Her three girls grow up to be very different women and Isabelle’s relationship with each of them is unique. When one final turn of fate brings a past secret to light. Will it bond mother and daughters closer, or could it tear them apart?

Reviewed by pagesbycyndy on

3 of 5 stars

I became immersed in the Isabelle McAvoy  from the first chapter of this book. Isabelle , at a young age goes to a Paris gallery as an intern, catches the eye of semi-recluse/millionaire  Putnam Armstrong and falls in love. That is where Isabelle's fate is sealed, Putnam unable to deal with people for more than a month at a time refuses to become a full time father when Isabelle becomes pregnant. Now here is where I might say ughhh what a jerk! No Putnam is a gentle loving soul and quickly became my favorite character. Life goes on and Isabelle and Theo ( the daughter of Putnam) visit once a year for a month because Putnam cannot deal with the outside world or people for more than a month!

Beautiful Isabelle meets a jerk/con artist and has another baby but quickly banishes him from their lives. Isabelle becomes independent and successful in her own right and I loved that she does not need a man in her life to manage her daughters a business and every day life.

When Isabelle meets the love of her life Declan and has another baby, Oona, I breathe a sigh of relief for her but once again life happens and Isabelle is alone again. There are a few more developments in Isabelle's life and a shocking secret that she has hidden form her daughters.

This book was a nice escape for me and I did enjoy the sweeping saga of Isabelle, her romantic life and her daughters. Was it 100% realistic, no but it was a very enjoyable book to read.

.This review was originally posted on Fictional Reviewer

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  • 5 May, 2019: Reviewed