This Is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E Smith

This Is What Happy Looks Like

by Jennifer E Smith

A winning combination of humour, heartbreak and romance make this a must read for fans of John Green - and lovers of Zac Efron films. When 17-year-old Graham Larkin sends an email to a friend about his pet pig, Wilbur, the last thing he expects is a response from the other side of the country, from one Ellie O'Neill. As their online friendship blossoms, they begin to reveal more about themselves but crucially leave out the truth about Ellie's past and Graham's career as a Hollywood heartthrob. And when a new location needs to be found for Graham's next film, he jumps at the chance to visit Ellie's hometown, Henley, Maine. But, now that they're together, it's impossible to keep their secrets for long and there's a lot to overcome if love is to blossom...

Reviewed by nitzan_schwarz on

4 of 5 stars

This is my first Jennifer E. Smith book. I've heard a lot about her books, been meaning to read them, but haven't yet. But when I heard about This is What Happy Looks Like, I just had to read it. A movie star and a normal girl being brought together by a stray email? sign me in!
If you're looking for a cute, light read that will make you smile - This Is What Happy Looks Like is just the read for you!

This is what Happy Looks Like has captured my attention from the get-go, with the emails that brought Ellie and Graham together. They were cute and made me smile. Throughout the story, the emails continued, though they became less meaningful and more one sentenced. I think that's quite a shame, as they were super adorable, and I would've loved to read more emails like that :)

Ellie is a good main character, as far as I'm concerned. She doesn't care about fame and fortune, finds that a bit unsettling to be honest. She likes her quiet and privacy, doesn't like to stand out, and doesn't fall to the feet of the celebrities.
She's also burdened by secrets that she must keep, and those secrets stop her from doing things she wants.

To Read the Rest of the Review Go to my Blog; Drugs Called Books

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  • Started reading
  • 7 April, 2013: Finished reading
  • 7 April, 2013: Reviewed