No Good Duke Goes Unpunished by Sarah MacLean

No Good Duke Goes Unpunished (Rules of Scoundrels, #3)

by Sarah MacLean

A rogue ruined...He is the Killer Duke, accused of murdering Mara Lowe on the eve of her wedding. With no memory of that fateful night, Temple has reigned over the darkest of London's corners for twelve years, wealthy and powerful, but beyond redemption. Until one night, Mara resurfaces, offering the one thing he's dreamed of...absolution. A lady returned...Mara planned never to return to the world from which she'd run, but when her brother falls deep into debt at Temple's exclusive casino, she has no choice but to offer Temple a trade that ends in her returning to society and proving to the world what only she knows...that he is no killer.

Reviewed by Angie on

1 of 5 stars

Was I seriously suppose to cheer for Mara to get her happily ever after? Because I very much did not. No Good Duke Goes Unpunished starts with Mara returning after she framed Temple for murder twelve years ago. She’s back because her brother has gambled away all of their money at Temple’s casino, and she wants the debts forgiven in exchange for her telling the truth. Well, needless to say, Temple is not exactly thrilled to see her. Yes, he’s relieved to know that he didn’t kill her, but she’s not exactly endearing herself to him by making demands.

No Good Duke Goes Unpunished is awful, because Mara is awful. She has no sense of responsibility, honor, or decency. If things don’t go her way, or she doesn’t want to deal with something, she simply runs away. That’s what she did twelve years ago to escape her tyrant father and an engagement to Temple’s father. But you don’t frame someone for murder! She could have just run away, and not involved anyone else in her scheme. As she said several times, she’s very good at hiding. So why not just do that?! Her reason: she was a child and it was a mistake and she didn’t know he’d suffer. How else does she think murderers are treated?! They’re certainly not smiled upon!

But what makes it worse is that she comes back to blackmail him! She frames him for murder (supposedly on accident) and then demands that he forgive her brother’s debts in exchange for her telling society that she’s not dead. Are you for real?! You wronged him! He doesn’t owe you or your brother anything! Temple points this out, and she’s basically like “I’ll just go back into hiding then.” She doesn’t want to tell the truth because it’s the right thing to do. She’s using it as a way to make things better for herself! And she had no intention of sticking around afterward either. She gets what she wants and then doesn’t have to deal with the consequences. Again!

So, knowing all of this, tell me how I’m suppose to believe that these two fall in love? That’s what No Good Duke Goes Unpunished is suppose to be. A love story. She ruined his life! She’s not looking to make amends; she just wants money! Sure she needs the money for the orphanage she’s running, but that did not make her sympathetic. It’s not Temple’s responsibility. She should take responsibility for her own actions! And I literally did not understand why Temple dragged this all out. Instead of just paying up and having her confess, he buys her clothes and takes her out. Basically treating her like a mistress and paying her for her time. What?! He’s paying off the debts anyway, so why bother paying her more and delaying the inevitable?! I suppose the story would have been very short otherwise.

I just really, really did not like No Good Duke Goes Unpunished. Mara didn’t learn a thing from her so-called mistake. She just wants what benefits her. She wants to escape her life? Frame an innocent man! She wants her brother’s debts forgiven? Blackmail that same innocent man and make him fall in love in the process! I really do not think so.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 6 September, 2015: Reviewed