Reviewed by booksandcats on

3 of 5 stars

I picked this book up after reading a reddit thread about it being a "girl who get's cheated on and later get's to rub it into her ex's face" trope kind of thing, and that is a part of it, a part that I thorougly enjoyed. It was a nice story, the way it was set up was nice, but I did not like the Author's style, the tense they were writing in and the way they made their characters communicate. On top of that, Natalie was a push over for far too long and kinda went back to that later for a bit, which was just annoying and while her ex did regret everything and had to live with his loss, he did not get all he deserved, which annoyed me as well. It was a solid idea and storyline, but not executed in a way that I like it. I think the problem is, that this is a storyline that would work really well in a steamy romacne, where realism get's thrown out of the window, and part of this book has that, but the other half tries to portray realistic people and relationships and I don't think they mix well.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 October, 2021: Finished reading
  • 8 October, 2021: Reviewed