Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

The second book in the Airship Adventure Chronicles picks up right where the first one left off, taking the characters on even more wild and exciting adventures. Arabella and her cast of characters must rescue Rett from bounty hunters before he and Arabella both become victims of the blood thirsty Baron who is determined to make a lesson of Rett.

While separated (yet again), Arabella and Rett can feel the pang of each other’s absence and both find themselves longing for the other. I love it that the author has chosen to make their reconnection a gradual progression instead of an instant happily ever after like so many other stories. For me, it keeps the romance budding while not detracting from the wonderful story of adventure. Not to mention the fact that it makes the little things all the more romantic.

Intense, thrilling and even more fun, this creative storyline from the brilliant mind of Lara Nance is more than just a book, it’s an experience. I will definitely be recommending this series to any and every person I come across that’s looking for something new to read.

Reviewed by Marie for Cocktails and Books

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  • 30 January, 2013: Reviewed