Saint Francis of Assisi by Demi

Saint Francis of Assisi

by Demi

Saint Francis of Assisi is one of the most beloved and inspirational figures in the history of Christianity. The stunning illustrations of award-winning author, Demi, bring to life the story of this son of a rich merchant, who abandoned all his worldly goods in order to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Inspired by the remarkable example of his holiness, Saint Francis is venerated by millions of Christians around the world, no matter their denomination.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

Already this week we were reading [b:The Song of Francis|4579256|The Song of Francis|Tomie dePaola||4628648] and I know from our future reading list that the author/illustrator Demi is one to look for, so I was eager when I saw a new [b:Saint Francis of Assisi|14656279|Saint Francis of Assisi|Demi||20301468] by Demi. This is my first experience with Demi and I can understand why so many people will recommend the artwork in these picture books. The colors are absolutely beautiful and the pages of this book are filled with details from the life as a boy through manhood and into death with the well known Saint Francis of Assisi.

Reading through this book there were many details that I did not know about Saint Francis including that our modern day reenactments of the Nativity scene comes from his original idea to go back and focus on the humble beginnings of Christ. So many things can be learned from the pages of this book and it is a gorgeous way for our children to learn about such a historical figure in Christian history.

I read this through an electronic galley, but I am positive in person it will only impress me more. Thanks to the Independent Book Publishers Association for loaning an electronic copy for review.


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  • Started reading
  • 9 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 9 October, 2012: Reviewed