Reviewed by reveriesociety_ on

2 of 5 stars

Oh, how I wanted to love this book. *le sigh.*

From the blurb, I knew this was the kind of book I needed as I tried to get over Silver Shadows, the 5th book in the Bloodlines series. The last one comes out in 2015, so I needed a mushy read with no paranormal elements.

Until I wasn’t.

I overlooked the typos and that jazz because… because sometimes that escapes our control, so it was alright.

The no nonsense critic in me was screaming: Stop! You know it only gets worse!

But… I didn’t listen.

To be honest, I liked the idea, but we all know ideas aren’t enough. What first put me off, was the introductory info dump. We already know Ben’s had his heart broken before, but the first thing I know about him and Paige, is what I’ve already been told, but in detail.

The second thing I didn’t like, was this weird personality disorder Paige seemed to have. One second she was the good girl who was disgusted by Ben’s reputation, and the other she was completely fine with it and even wanted to score a few points on her own.

Paige has her own issues too. Ben’s have nothing on hers, but she certainly didn’t act like it. I don’t normally feel the need to rant about a particular character’s behavior, but I do with hers now. I mean, seriously girl? Do you or do you not love him? Are you, or are you not going to do something about it?

Of course, she wouldn’t answer these questions since the story would’ve lost a lot of pages if she had.

It was this attitude, what spoiled the book for me. I didn’t connect with her, nor did the big secret entice any response out of me. I didn’t even feel happy when I got to the end except for the fact that IT WAS THE END.

And Ben… I actually felt very sorry for him. I wish he’d just fallen for someone else. I liked his point of view way more than I did reading Paige’s. Everyone was out to get him.

On one occasion, Paige had officially told him to leave her alone, that they could only be friends, practically ripping apart Ben’s heart because he’d finally said he loved her.

He was understandably angry, because he felt it was not fair for her to not to give them a chance, because of (silly excuse), but he sucked it up, and left. Being the person he was, he got completely thrashed afterwards and then was about to hook up with this Michele girl. But he didn’t.

The next day, guess what? Paige had found out and was not happy. (This reminded me of Beautiful Disaster) I don’t know if a lot of people like this situation, but I hate it. I hate it when girls in books behave like this. I mean, if I loved one guy, and for either my sake, or his, I decided to end things, and then I found he’d been with someone else, I’d feel horrible, but I’d acknowledge I have no say over what the guy does after I’d called things off.

Besides, this kind of conflict is getting old.

Returning to Paige… -Seriously, this is how much I disliked her. Her hot and cold antics were frustrating. I don’t get what was attrative about her that was not physical. I mean…

This book was not for me. I’m sure there a lot of people out there that would enjoy it. Maybe, if we’d seen more of other characters, and the perspectives had broadened, I’d have liked this one more. It wasn’t a bad book, but it could’ve been better.

See the full review and more at: A Writer's Tales

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  • 10 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 10 October, 2014: Reviewed