Reviewed by wcs53 on
I have to admit that I was quite sceptical of the story before I read it, but the more I got into it more of my scepticism disappeared. The author intersperses the story with facts about other hermits and solitudes throughout history, as well as offering some ideas as to why Knight my have chosen to do what he did. He also shares details of interviews with those who discovered him and some of the people he stole from over the years.
By nature I am quite introverted and as I read I felt a little empathy with Knight. Although I couldn't imagine going to the lengths that he did, there are times when I crave alone time as he did, but not to the extremes that he took it. It's a fairly quick read and I was left wanting more, but I won't say any more as to why some things were left unanswered, as that would enter the realm of spoilers.
Reading updates
- Started reading
- 18 March, 2018: Finished reading
- 18 March, 2018: Reviewed