Song for Sarah by Paula D'Arcy

Song for Sarah

by Paula D'Arcy

More a diary than a manual on handling grief, D'Arcy's collection of letters written before and after the loss of her daughter reflects upon her search for strength and hope through years of anguish. With a combination of profound reflection and sincere stories, these letters express how the deepest sorrow can be transformed into a unique sense of comfort and peace. Filled with practical yet literary writing, this collection reveals the discovery of healing is available to anyone enduring the sorrow of a lost loved one. Written in a tender, personal tone and drawing from direct experience, it is an ideal choice for both mourners and counselors alike.

Reviewed by Jane on

5 of 5 stars

It was kind of melancholy and wonderful all at the same time. It was really cute and sometimes the farthest from being sweet. I loved it. :)

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  • 29 August, 2011: Reviewed