Blood Assassin by Alexandra Ivy

Blood Assassin (The Sentinels, #2) (Sentinels (Zebra))

by Alexandra Ivy

They are the outcasts of humanity. Blessed with power. Cursed by fate. Driven by passion. The Sentinels have returned. . .

Out Of The Shadows

At six-foot-three and two-hundred-fifty pounds, Fane is a natural born guardian. A flawless mix of muscled perfection and steely precision, he has devoted years of his life to protecting a beautiful necromancer. But after she found love in the arms of another, Fane has been a warrior adrift. He swears allegiance only to the Sentinels. And no woman will ever rule his heart again. . .

Into The Fire

Not only a powerful psychic, Serra is that rare telepath who can connect to minds through objects. When the daughter of a high-blood businessman is kidnapped, Serra agrees to help. But when she stumbles onto a conspiracy involving secrets sects and ancient relics, her life is in mortal danger--and Fane is her only hope. Is the warrior willing to risk his body, his soul, and his heart, for Serra? Or will one last betrayal destroy them both?

Praise for Born in Blood

"Ivy's fans will be invested in the development of romances introduced between supporting characters as well as further building of this conflicted universe." --Publishers Weekly

"An exciting and sizzling new paranormal romance series." --RT Book Reviews

Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

Blood Assassin is my debut read for Alexandra Ivy and it will not be my last. I have heard so many good things about this author and I was glad for the opportunity to receive a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Being an avid fan of all things paranormal, I am always looking for stories in that genre, which will keep me on the edge of my seat and have me yearning for more. Blood Assassin did that and more. The story was so intriguing that I went and bought a copy of the previous book in the series. (NB Blood Assassin can be read as a stand-alone).
The story centres on Fane, (a sentinel) and Serra (a psychic and telepath). These two have been in love with each other from the moment they met. However, Fane was determined to keep his distance as he felt that giving in to his feelings would complicate his duty as a sentinel. Serra tried everything to get him to admit his feelings, but he refused to budge. His determination to keep his distance led to his decision to leave Valhalla. However, his plans for departure were disrupted when Serra was forced to help save a kidnapped child. What followed is a story of intrigue, action, drama sprinkled with some hot and sexy romance.
The characters in their own way were awesome, but the ones that stood out for me were Fane and Serra. Fane is the strong, silent type. Fane was raised under a strict and stringent regime which taught him to keep his feelings under control. This, however, did not stop him from loving Serra. His love for her is so profound that he will gladly give his life to keep her from harm. I like stories where the female heroine is portrayed as being strong and independent with a sweet and sexy side. As a result, I was immediately drawn to Serra. She is not afraid to go after what she wants and this includes Fane.
The romance was hot and the action non-stop. The story is fast paced it held my attention to the end. The story ended well, but based on events it’s clear that there is next book in the making and I can’t wait to get my hands on it when it is released.
Overall, I felt it was an enjoyable read. If you are looking for a unique paranormal story, then I recommend that you read this series. DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 28 January, 2015: Reviewed